Tuesday, March 31, 2009

hari sukan09+earth hour 09

hey ppl...sorry this post came late...was to busy replenishing stamina(lazing around) and catching up on homework(some more lazing around)[ponteng-ed a week of skool and skool hols for kawad prac]
hari sukan was on the 28th march...
reached MPSJ about 6 30
the thing started approx 7 45(i think)
yu kie aggreed to be my camerawoman for the day...
after kawading went straight for qm duty which at this point my phone died cuz i didnt charge it...
when i took a time off decided to take more pics of the acara's(especially the teacher's one) but my camera died also cuz i forgot to charge it-.-
so i only have the first hour which yu kie took for me...
after that changed bac into full u for camera died...T.T so no pix of tht
but was sweating like crazy juz standing there...
stayed bac for a while to pick up rubbish...
and im like super dark now...=S
oh,btw...gratz to yu kie for getting no.1 yay!!

here r the random order:

medalskarateyellow(1st)bsm(3rd)wushublue(2nd)red(4th)pandu puterikadet polis(2nd)puteri islamkrs(1st)tay chia changpengakapgreen(3rd)karatebsmwushu
lembaga pengawas
and that very same night was earth hour 2009!!yay!!
hope u ppl turned off all ur lights...
i practically watched tv in the dark XD


Tuesday, March 17, 2009


hey ppl!!!xams r finaly over n da hols r here!!!
some of us went to kl to do the stupid sejarah project on bangunan bersejarah so we chose the easiest n closest>>>>>da sultan abdul samad building!!
came home frm kawat prac by 11 30...after lunch went to fetch yanqi to hui qing's hse but she wasnt home yet cuz she still had stuff to do in we waited...and waited...and waited...went to buy some stuff n went back to her house n she was still then it was 2 30...we were supposed to meet at the train station at 2...on the way to the station,yi ling and li ping called saying that jia jia was still in school and we had to pick her up cuz everyone else had reached,jing wen said that she couldnt find jia in school but jia acctually jia had already walked to her there was a bit of miscomunication...wasted around 20mins there...

jia jia's lame-ness

group pic
on the way back in the train because of a few ppl,we kena-ed complained cuz SOME of us were too loud...
aniways...decided to go to parade to juz walk a bit but hen we arrived...everyone wanted to we went to pizza hut for dinner and walked a bit bfore going home...
and btw,some ppl r also askin me to teman them to melaka to do their project...but since ive been so tired lately...i think ill have to pass...
great,i juz remembered i promised to go sp wid gaaya...
its gonna be one loooong holiday...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

promotin stuff...
hey ppl...check out da blog on top...juz helping my frens cous to promote...if u c anithing u lyk juz tell me kay...thx!^^

Sunday, March 8, 2009

wonder cookies:D

just got back from my aunts house because my sister wanted to challenge the cookies i made from school.i was not supposed to go but decided tobefore my dad started pestering me to study.overall i helped quite a lot.especially with the washing up since no one else wanted to do it...we made vanilla custard cookies which sandwiched some cream icing...some of the cookies sides were burnt but they turned out okay.the icing was like super sweet even tho we followed the recepie,and it was too diluted so the cookies were swimming and sliding of after being sandwiched on,there was extra icing which i was forced to eat it all...and it was a lot,so i ended up bringing it back to...well,eat it some other time...D: yea well,good luck to me doing'd probably wont see me after that since i'd most likely end up really sick or something.....

well,three down,eight more to go...T.T
math,sej and bm was'nt so bad...
math actually turned out quite easy:) so i really cant understand why ivan couldn't finish his paper...
sej was easy if u studied,and i obviosly did'nt.....i read form3 stuff and my ch8 for form2 was ok so it was only the ch7 that i was really brainstorming on...
next up:
tue:eng,sci and moral
thats it for now...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

ponteng-ing[PART 2??]???

okay fine its not exactly a part 2 scince i decided to be good for once NOT to ponteng:D
but i still skipped pretty much all my classes...
there was 5000,3000 and 800 meters today...the results are...well i forgotXD...or rather i wasnt paying attention even though i was helping teacher record how many rounds were left and doing the flag thingi...
tarik tali!!results!!:guys:YELLOW!
pretty fair rite?since both guys and gals finals were yellow n blue...
by then was recess so after eating we had a meeting for hari sukan again to reconfirm ppl who were marching(or rather 'walking' as han boon calls it),who was gonna do the board thing,the letter of kebenaran to join QM(now oni giv!!) n the tshirt n cap price thing...not that much huh??
well,it took us a good 1hour to sort it all out cuz SOME ppl were too noisy

and bcuz of the noise a few things happened:

  • me and a few ppl who wanted to ponteng decided not to in case we got caught by tchers
  • some of us decided(STILL deciding)to quitQM...and knowing us...once someone quits most of us will quit... the tym i went back to class we were still having science but...just my luck...there was no tcher in class(lyk ytd) until around 15minutes later...but was relief tcher...dunno wat happened to sci tcher...lost?...maybe...after that during math...tcher juz asked us to do a bit of exercises so...FREEDOM!!:) but of course only 4of us went bak to class...the rest still pontenged...wonder wat they did...

btw,i wasnt even on QM duty cuz jaga did not giv my name to tcher so i nearly went bak to class,but han boon confirmedwit pn.yeo(hu was teaching my class at that time)if i could go for QM so i literally pontenged illegally...XD, but then let me so there!!

aniways the rest of my day was really boring...after lunch i returned to school,waited for jia jia hu fetched me (on bike)to xs's hse for FREE bc tuition returned to school to watch a bit of bball,then went to fetch my sis bfore returning home...and while watching american idol...i fell asleep of doing...nothing!! really losing my stamina, season and jia jia decided to ***** **** someone but i cant say hu and wat cuz then that person wud lets juz keep that quiet for now:)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

ponteng-ing :)

totally skiped all my classes today since was helping as QM
after helping to measure the lontar peluru thing went to watch a bit of long jump and high jump
then was tarik tali which took up most of the time
finals:blue & yellow
tmr morning!
was done by recess but after that han boon said something about meeting for the kawad thing on sports day i stayed although i am not kawading for QM cuz i wanted to ponteng class XD
after the short and brief meeting that lasted 1hr without any progress at all,we ponteng-ed some more
we were bored so we ended up playing games like truth or dare and went back to class for chinese
o yea,and kesian si ling's ear that kena hit by a football kicked by jaga...
yay! gonna ponteng some more tmr to watch tarik tali finals!!:p haha
but i still have a ton of hw to catch up on and exams are this fri!!
so ciaoz for now!!:)