Wednesday, November 12, 2008

happie b'day jing yi!!!

woohoo!!school and exam's are over!!actually its not a good thing...well the exam part is a good thing but the school over part isn't such a good thing...why?because...stying at home for the holiday's are boring...i know i have yet to tell you about the last day at school.well,i'll get to that as soon as i have the pictures(which i don't know when that will be)

aniways...monday evening...nothing happened until zhi yu asked me to go to jing yi's house the following night(last night) to celebrate her birthday for her...she didn't know but her mum knew...

went to school to meet up with them ppl...yi ling called me when i was on my way saying that she had been to school and back home again cuz there was no one at school...then she went back to school but still no one so she called me...confusing huh?when i reached school...i tumpanged yi ling's car to jing ti's house...but she didn't know that jing yi didn't have no idea what i'm saying but you'll just have to figure it out :) so we went back to school....AGAIN...waited for zhi yu to arrive when we finally went to jing yi's house...

then waited again for hui qing...later her parents took us to mcD for dinner...sat there for quite sometime before we went back to the house...ended up spotchecking jing yi's room with all the soft toys in it...believe it or not she actually names every single one of them...and she has thier b'day dates on her calender but not mine or yi ling's...not fair...niways...we played cards for a while...then went to eat the super sweet cake hui qing bought...then played more cards then i went home...:)


other events:

christmas event